My God, what a well written piece.

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Robert, any chance for this article to be translated into Afrikaans?

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I second this request, for my father.

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Wow. I’m leaving.

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Do fervently hope people listen to this direct, concise and lucid assessment of the situation South Africa is in. I can only thank you Robert for the guts and fortitude for the most forthright eye opener, sadly you will become marked for removal or silencing as all dissenting educated voices are under any socialist / communist state....for the rest of us, only serious and concerted action might turn the South African ship or we will face "the purging / cleansing" which occurred in Soviet Russia and Mao's China. The old South African illusion that these abhorrent disgusting vile acts of inhuman genocide only happen to people in other countries and we are and will be safe, BE VERY CAREFUL of rose tinted glasses ... no-one batted an eyelid or assisted the 150 million that paid with their lives in the last 100 years. Nevertheless an essay deeply appreciated Robert...take good care!

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Wow the shocking truth. 😱😱😱😱

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Very well written, but I couldn't find the reason "Why the ANC wants you to die"

Am I missing something? Could someone please point it out?

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This is a tremendous piece, an eye opener for Americans, and a warning about our own future.

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Thanks this is a good Read: Seems like Cyril is on the Top list's of the Elite's now since he was Introduced at the G7 as door for Covid 19 Vaccine's.

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This is one of the best and most honest a counts of the current situation in South Africa I have come across. Thank you for your clear a count.

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Thank you for your honesty - the rarest gold of all.

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Congratulations on a scintillating diatribe Robert.

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